Mar 23, 2007

Melissa's Bird Nest Cupcakes

My dear friend Melissa was looking for something special to make her doctor. She always turns to me for suggestions and I had just the thing, bird nest cupcakes. They would be perfect this close to Easter. I sent over a picture and she took it from there. They came out so cute! Her doctor and his whole office was in ahh. I am sure we will have more Melissa cupcakes to show you in the future. You can learn all about her and her wish to have a baby on her blog.

If you have cupcakes that you would like to submit to us you can email me at I would be happy to feature them in a post.

1 comment:

  1. Awww...thanks for the plug!

    These are so easy and fun to make!

    If I can make them ANYONE can!! :)

    Your blog is awesome!
