Aug 13, 2007

Suzie Loves Freebies

I use free samples for many things through the year. I save up things that are aimed towards kids to stuff stockings at Christmas. I also save up personal items and take them to the local shelter. All the dog food samples go to our local dog shelter and the cookbooks go in my collection. I seem to find a place for all of them. What do you have to lose? After all they are FREE!

Here are the freebies that I have sent for today...

Georgia Pecan Recipe Brochure

Sweet Potato Recipe Brochure

California Raisins Lunch Bag

Fizzy Wizzies

1 comment:

  1. Hey, stuffing stockings with freebies is a great idea. What about those free samples of personal products like shampoo or lotion or deodorant? They could make for a nice little 'guest basket' when you have visitors. Handy supply of extras in case they forgot their own products.
