Jul 31, 2009

The Terrible Twos

I think it is time for me to create a new tag just for my two year old. This kid is into everything!! In the last week she has made three huge messes. I am going to start posting photos of her messes, like the flour mess that I posted a couple of weeks ago.

This week I was standing in the kitchen talking to her and turned my back for 30 seconds and she was GONE! I was looking everywhere with no luck. I finally checked the pantry where I found her with a jar of red gel food color. So..... Here is this week's TERRIBLE TWOS photo. I sure hope I do not have a photo to post weekly. I really dislike cleaning up extra messes!


  1. My guy is 20 months and is giving me a run for my money! I currently have duct tape keeping my fridge door from being opened every 2 minutes! Never a dull moment!

  2. My three year old was coloring on the couch this morning with "washable" markers and it bled through onto the cushion. I got some of it out, but it's not too pretty. Sigh...
