Jan 12, 2011

The Biggest Loser 2011

We started our local Biggest Loser for 2011 today.

To stay even more accountable I will be posting my weekly stats here on my blog. I will also be posting some of my meals.

Well, here goes nothing!

Date 1-12-01

Weight 192

Body Fat 34.7%

BMI 30.1

Blood Pressure 112/77

Did I mention that a year ago I weighed 237??

For a recent photo update see-

Today's supper was

Pan Seared Talipia with Emeril's Fish Rub

Lemon Garlic Seasoned Veggies from Schwans

Quick sauce made with 1 tsp Tabasco Soy Sauce, 1/2 TBS peanut butter, and slash of water. Threw it all in the pan after cooking the fish and deglazed the pan with it.


  1. =-) Wow!
    I'm doing "Weight Loss Wednesday" with some other blogger mommies too.
    Way to go!

  2. Sounds like you have made a great start! Keep up the work, it will pay off. Have you ever checked into the 6 week body makeover? I lost 80 pounds doing that 3 years ago and have pretty much kept it off (except for about 7 pounds I recently gained back due to chocolate!- but I am hitting the plan again :) Email me if you have any questions about it! heidiheidiheidi@yahoo.com
