Quadruple Layer Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache and Fresh Strawberries
Do you ever get the urge to bake? I get all kinds of baking urges. Some days a simple loaf of bread is on my mind. Other days a good drop cookie possesses me. But I've been watching a lot of Cake Boss lately and if that weren't bad enough I jumped over to Bakerella's page. So I wanted something very yummy and pretty. I don't have the skill of Bakerella or Buddy so that narrowed my options as well. But what's prettier than oozing mouthwatering chocolate?
I used the WASC Cake recipe and adapted it for a devil's food cake mix and used baking cocoa for the flavoring. The cake pans were these adorable little heart shaped pans that I bought at our beloved hardware store. (There are days I kill time on my lunch break by browsing their awesome kitchen section. Seriously. I know it's strange to you guys in big cities but it is my own little small town culinary haven.) I sliced the tops off of 4 cakes then sliced them in half. Layer them up with ganache in between. Be generous with the ganache to get the ooey gooey drizzliness! I did twice the ganache on top for the extra lucious look then topped with strawberries. Omagoodness... Delish!
♥ Happy Valentine's Day! ♥
What a gorgeous Valentine dessert. I've got to get me some of those heart pans. My four-year-old daughter would love them.