May 11, 2011

Extreme Couponing in 4 simple steps.

(My first week of extreme couponing. The total spent was around $40)

Step 1- Educate Yourself!

* Learn the lingo.
Here is a link to couponing lingo on My Litter.

*Know Your Store Coupon Policies.
Use Google to find your store's coupon policy. Always have your store's coupon policy on hand with you at checkout. Money Saving Amanda also has a list of them.

* Learn the laws. Educate yourself on Coupon Fraud.

Step 2. Get the Coupons!

* Get a newspaper subscription, they have coupons in them almost every Sunday.

* Ask your friends and family for their coupons too.

* Print coupons online. Fabulessly Frugal has a nice list of places to print coupons.

* Find more tips at - The Krazy Coupon Lady

Step 3. Get Organized.

* This site will tell you several ways to do it!

* Plan your shopping trip. I use this method.

Step 4. Go Shopping!

* Check out day 6 of this blog and find tips to make shopping day easy as possible!

Have FUN!

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