Nov 15, 2009

Shopping and Holiday Decor!

It's that time of the year. There is a craft fair every weekend within a hour or so drive. I spent Saturday morning at our local Christmas Fair.

Here are a few of the things I purchased....

These super cute snowman ornaments are made out of recycled jar lids. How cute are they?!? These are made by a friend of mine who makes tons of things out of old stuff. I have blogged about here stuff a few times before like here and here.

I also grabbed these cute painted pine cones. Which my hubby could not believe that I paid money for considering I could make them.

I am signed up to be part of a Holiday Home Tour so I am doing things a little early this year. We put one of the trees up tonight and plan to do the other one next weekend! I still need a new topper for this one. I am looking for a snowman one. If I can not find one this week I will make one next week.


  1. That snowman ornament is so cute and your tree looks gorgeous. You're very organised, makes the rest of us look bad. I promised myself I would have the tree up by the 1st of December

  2. Beautiful tree! I can see why your home is on the tour.
