Mar 12, 2010

Introduction and French Fry-er

Hi fellow Suzie Homemaker readers!  My name is Alyssa and I'll be blogging on here from time to time.  Pop over to my blog and get to know me a little, but forgive me as I really havent blogged in the last couple of weeks.  Little Aspen is taking a lot of my time and attention along with calving season at the farm.

This is my trusty french fry-er.  Not quite sure how I'm supposed to spell that word or if it's really a word at all, but it's a kitchen gadget that makes french fries.

If you are like me, you can go into a store for something totally unrelated to cooking but still find yourself meandering through the kitchen gadget section.  My friend, Candice, and I can spend quite a little bit of time just in the kitchen section of any store!  That's how I stumbled upon this gem.  

I picked this one up at our local hardware store for about $12.   


You can make the usually french fry with it, but there are many more uses.  Like this for diced potatoes.
I peeled my potato and cut it into thick slices.

Put them through and they come out like this.  Perfectly cubed!
I did all of these diced potatoes in about 8 minutes including the time to peel them.

Not only are these potatoes pretty, but it also makes for even cooking time.

Push through baby carrots for soups that call for diced carrots (I hate chopping carrots.  They always jump away from me!).  I've pushed through raw broccolli (must be cold) for broccolli salad.  Chopping an onion is painless and very quick! (Am I sounding like an info-mercial?)

There are two sizes of blades, I used the larger one here, but use the smaller one for fries and it is top rack dishwasher safe.


Sarah said...

How do you make the French fries? What do they look like? I've been on a quest for the perfect fry cutter. I bought a mandolin slicer recently, and it makes fries pretty easily, but I'm afraid I'll cut my fingers off. I'm terrified every time I use it or wash it.

I've never seen a gadget like that. Wonder if I could find one.

★JENN★ said...

Is it normal to find kitchen appliances in a hardware store?

~Crystal~ said...

They have a blade for making fries also.

Jenn, in small towns the hardware store carry a bit of everything, even toys. :)

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